The Teacher Who First Inspired My Life Path

This past June marked thirty years since I graduated from that eponymous time of life known as high school. It pains me to think how quickly those thirty years have flown by-as if I were just shy of eighteen with the whole world and life ahead of me yesterday and now I am staring down the road of middle age. Its a stark reminder to always remember and cherish the good times and the good people in your life. But as this milestone in my life passed I began to ruminate on those halcyon days of high school and one teacher kept a brighter light in my memories than any other.

That would be Mrs. Schwartz, my senior year English teacher.

Mrs. Schwartz was unlike all the other stuffy and staid teachers in my school. She was vibrant and colorful, sassy and opinionated and above all she was a literature lover of the highest degree. She was unlike all my teachers before or any of the teachers who came after. She was a one of a kind impetus in my life. She inspired me to explore great and obscure literature. And it was after that year in her English class I remember thinking I might like to go into teaching one day.

Mrs. Schwartz was a lively, involved and incredibly charismatic teacher. She brought literature alive for me in each of her lectures and discussions with the class. I was most definitely an introvert in high school and extremely shy and quiet in class. This particular class had many type A , high achieving , popular personalities in it and I always found myself feeling less than adequate when compared to these classmates.

Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

I was not at the top of the popularity mountain though I did have several very close friends and as I think back on those days I only remember one or two of my friends being in that class of thirty. So while I loved the class for all its focus on books and writing , I also remember being acutely anxious and awkward and trying to not be noticed or stand out when in class. I definitely remember not wanting to be in the spotlight ever! Which meant giving out an opinion or sharing in the lively class discussions was torturous for me. Yet, somehow Mrs. Schwartz saw past all my insecurities and was active in encouraging me to participate and she always encouraged me to keep writing.

She made it a point to leave lengthy comments on my essays that offered constructive criticism while building me up and encouraging my writing. Often times, she would read excerpts from student essays to the class that she found particularly well done or had a unique point of view, and although she never named names I know that she always included my work. It made me feel warm and happy inside. I felt like I was making her proud and it meant the world to me!

I also remember Mrs. Schwartz was a bit of a rebel in those days. I remember her showing us the full, uncut version of the movie 1984 after we had read the Orwellian classic in class. It may be considered tame by today’s standards but in the early 1990s showing a movie with frontal nudity in a high school class was a risque teaching move. But she said that since we were all on the cusp of adulthood we should be able to handle of few moments of nakedness with out being immature . She was right of course even if my dad thought it was not a great movie for a seventeen year old girl to watch.

Photo by Vlada Karpovich on

Mrs. Schwartz was definitely a trailblazer in my eyes because she was always presenting her students with opportunities to experience literature with raw, over-arching themes that made you think about the world at large and not just your own little bubble. She taught me how to explore differing viewpoints, how to formulate my own viewpoint, and how to express those viewpoints in writing. She influenced me with her ability to find and explain the deeper meaning in texts, she taught me how to read like a writer and pull out the meat and marrow from what ever piece of literature I was reading.

She was a teacher devoted to her students and to the literature she was teaching. She was one of the first people to encourage me to write and keep writing. She built up my confidence when it was insecure and on shaky ground. She helped me to see that I was just as capable and just as intelligent as any of the other top students in class. She always took the time after class to talk with me and give me reading recommendations and she even lent me some of her own books!

If there is one thing I remember most about Mrs. Schwartz it is that she made me feel seen and heard and understood. And for me who was a teenage girl struggling with self harm and depression that was like handing me the rope to keep hanging on. Her vibrant teaching and caring demeanor and personal attention kept me going during a time I didn’t think I wanted to keep living- I absolutely lived for her class in every sense of the word.

Photo by Du01b0u01a1ng Nhu00e2n on

When I look back on that time in Mrs. Schwartz’s classroom I will always see her radiant smile, her crazy hair, her sassy vibe and her voice drawing me into the discussion and into the wonder of literature. She was the catalyst in my life even if I didn’t know it at the time. A few years later and a couple of college major changes it was Mrs. Schwartz I thought about when I finally decided to become a teacher. I wanted to be able to affect just one child the way Mrs. Schwartz affected me. I wanted to bring passion and depth to my teaching. I wanted to light a fire in my students the way she lit a fire in me.

I spent the most amazing fifteen years in elementary education until I became a stay at home mom. And I can only hope that one day, one student will think I did half as good a job as Mrs. Schwartz did in her teaching career. I never got to tell her all of this before she passed and that is a regret I will always have in my heart. So tonight I raise my glass and toast the indomitable and enduring spirit of my favorite teacher- Mrs. Schwartz. Cheers!

Photo by Tom Verdoot on

Does My Writing Matter?

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I often think about if and how my writing matters in the big scheme of things. In this age of twenty- four hour news streaming, social media platforms, Covid, politics, cancel culture and viral videos is what I write even heard above all the technological and media based noise?

I am not so sure. I like to think that my small fellowship of readers and followers cares what I write about and my creative process and journey. But is that enough? In this fast paced, hustle culture is a small blog on reading books and writing really making an impact on anyone?

I am not of this generation of hustle culture and social media superstardom. I certainly do not understand algorithms (Which seem to be ever changing) , content niching, and how to make a tik tok or a reel. I am lost as to what those things are and why they seem so important to the millions of people in the online space. Sometimes I walk around libraries and see so many people huddled around the computer carousel I wonder if anyone uses the library to take out books anymore. I feel a bit lost in this gigantic space of online life and daily media frenzy.

Am I becoming obsolete?

Photo by ThisIsEngineering on

I love books. I love reading them. I love holding them. I love smelling them. I love collecting them . I love looking at them so neat and beautiful stacked on my shelves around my house. They comfort me and bring me joy. They take me on adventures and whisk me away in breathtaking dramas. Books are magical and brought to life by only opening up and beginning to read.

I do not get those same feelings when I flip open my laptop, or check my phone or tablet. I feel the complete opposite of comfort and joy. I feel anxious and annoyed. And yes it is all well and good to say well if you don’t like social media then just get off. Well, I can’t since everyone now uses it for updates and information sharing -even my child’s school. So just eliminating the perils of social media from my life is not a real option.

But that is neither here nor there. For the real question remains- Does my writing matter? If I am taking the time to put my thoughts into words and share them is that enough?

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The answer is a resounding yes. I fervently believe that any creative endeavour has value and matters no matter how small the audience for it is this present day. So many great authors, artists, performers were unknown during their lives but still persevered for their art and so too should we. Even in this crazy age of viral videos and Insta-famous people and influencers art and the creative endeavours of all are worth spending time on and bringing to life.

My writing may only touch a few souls each week but it is a my work and it matters to me and that is enough.

I don’t write because I wish to be famous and rich. I write because the fire within me commands that I do so. I write because I have stories to tell and poetry to share. I write because it is what I was born to do.

My writing matters.

Your writing matters

Your art matters

Your music matters.

Your performance matters

All creative and artistic journeys are valuable and matter far more than fame and wealth.

Photo by Anthony Shkraba on


New Moon Magic

In the immortal words of Frank Sinatra :

“Fly me to the moon
Let me play among the stars
Let me see what spring is like
On a-Jupiter and Mars”

At least that is how I have been feeling lately…that moon magic has been giving me a ton of inspiration and the creativity has been flowing!

Photo by Andrea on

Don’t worry I am not giving up on other projects (aka DIY/MFA) I am just expanding and embracing all my inner dreams and creative needs. There is a novel to finish by year’s end, a book of poetry to finish and publish, an in depth blog series on the DIY/MFA and I am branching out with a YT book and writing channel and freelance work. Its an enormous amount to tackle but what better time than now? Why live a nothing life when I could be creating and producing masses of art and life!

The last few months have been hard. Truth be told I was not doing so well. But after months of just merely existing, not even living except as a thought in my mind I feel as though I have made a breakthrough. Creatively and mentally I feel as though I am finally moving forward. I am inspired to get back to doing the things I love and that light me up inside and out. I want to shoot for the moon and live among the stars because I only have this one life to live and damn it I’m tired of waiting for the “When I am …better, or thinner, or more confident, or more fit, or more organized, or more talented..etc etc blah blah blah…”

Im tired of waiting. I want to do all the things now and I want to enjoy them while I can. I am very aware of my mortality these days. It is something that has been on my mind more now than at any other time in my life and I believe it is because my subconscious self is trying to tell me to get on with living before I am gone. Life has a way of letting you know when to change course and get on a new path. This is my new path now. Time to chase my dreams and finally find myself amongt the stars.

Photo by Brett Sayles on

According to ARIANNA FRASCA of the blog

“The moon rules the flow not only of fluids but of information and creativity in our bodies.
Why should you care?
Because this impacts speaking articulation, decision-making processes, and much, much more.

Lunar information is reflective and intuitive. It comes to us in our dreams, emotions, and our hunger. When you try to cover these important emotions and signals, often results in illness.
With that in mind, you can do what is best for you in your exercise routine during each phase.

New Moon

At the dark side of the moon, life cleanses, revitalizes, and transforms itself in its evolutionary development.
You may feel that you have the urge to organize your closet, your workspace, your life.
Why not plan your working days accordingly to that?

Crescent Moon

With all the expanded level of ideas and creativity, this is the moment to initiate new projects and exciting, challenging things.
You might feel the most energized to act on it during this phase. You feel outgoing, upbeat, and revitalized. I would also use this time to have that coffee with people I would like to know better, get a closer relationship at work, develop trust with other teams.

Full moon

Hello, verbal fluency!
This is the right moment to ask for a raise or pitch a creative project since this is the phase where you will be the most articulate. Words come out of your mouth easily, and emotional creativity at its peak — enjoy!

Waning moon

Our veil between the seen and unseen is much thinner, and we are quite naturally more in tune with what is most meaningful in our lives. Be active to listen to your intuition, since the most significant insights about yourself, your life, and your career come now.”

Photo by luizclas on

And its no wonder that as a Cancerian and a moon child that I am ruled by the lunar cycles and their pull on my creative and reflective side. So the new moon is using her magic to pull me in a new direction and open me up to new projects and possibilities. I am fully embracing this new cycle in my life both personally and creatively.

I am looking forward to jumping in with both feet and finding a new level of life awaiting me.

Till next time…

Keep Reading!

Keep writing!

PS Don’t forget to check out my other social media sites

YOU TUBE @allthewrightbooks

Fade Away or Stay

Photo by Engin Akyurt on

This has been a strange week. There is definitely a shift in the universe or a quantum leap taking place. Or perhaps it is just my own brain chemistry going haywire. I am not sure of the reason for the abject sadness and loneliness that has settled upon my soul this week but yet here it is grasping and squeezing until I can’t breathe.

Or perhaps I do know. Perhaps I am all too well aware of the reasons and the pain is just too intense. Perhaps all I can do is feel it and release it. This was not the blog post I had intended to write this week. I had planned a rather chipper spring book reading list post but I could not really find it in me to write that. So here I am baring my soul to the empty ether that is the internet.

This week started off with a friend I thought was a friend …not being that friend . I was taken aback by a tone of possessiveness and control that I had not felt since my near fatal attack some years ago. Granted we were only friends on line…never met in real life, but I was happy to have someone to talk to about books and music and the daily trivalities of life. However, a terse and rather angry message out of the blue from this so called friend and suddenly I was back in that dark place struggling for air. I did what is common to do in this day and age I removed this person as a contact and then blocked them from my presence. It is the rational thing for me to do to protect myself and my mental well being.

I thought “Okay , done and done. Moving on…” Ahhh silly me and my silly naivete that that was the end of the story. Oh no …my brain said “Hold up this is familiar…let me give you the most vivid, bring you to your knees series of flashbacks for the next twenty four hours.”

“Oh you want to sleep?” my brain mocked me “Ha! Let me give you nightmares that have you screaming and sweating like a maniac. You can’t just be done with anything that easily.”

Oh no…no, no, no I can not just shut the door on certain things and walk away. My demons are fast little critters, they always slip through the cracks.

Photo by Jill Burrow on

And as I sat with my demons and let them crawl all over my mind and my heart. I began to spiral into that deep, dark place where no one touches me and no one sees me and no one wants me. I stared at my hand and watched as it began to disappear , as I began to disappear. The negative mantras began running in a loop — “No one has touched you in years….no one has hugged you or comforted you or cared in years…no one wants you…”

Over and over and over like the banging of a drum in my mind while my hand disappeared and my world fell away. And I thought to myself “Fade away or stay?”

Fade away into the darkness and the shadows or dig my way inch by inch back to the light. I sat with that thought for a long time yesterday. I thought about driving my car into the river, but then thought that it would be a very cold and painful way to die. I thought about just taking every pill I have in my house, but then the thought of little miss finding me made me rethink that scenario and cross it off the list. I thought about locking the bathroom door and slitting my wrists in the tub, but then I thought that would be too much of a mess for the husband to clean up.

Nothing seemed to be the right answer…

Fade away or stay?

I really had no choice…I had to stay. I had to fight those demons and stomp them back into their hole. I put on my armor and I slayed those beasts. I had to will myself out of the dark place and make my hand reappear. I had to fight back the sobs and focus on control. I had to do it…there was no other choice. In the darkness of night, alone in my bedroom I fought a battle in my mind with my mind. I was at the edge of reality and about to fall into the abyss forever. But one little tiny spark inside me burned brighter than the darkness could contain. It made me want to see the light. See my daughter in the morning. Have that first sip of coffee. Write poetry and read books. See the sun rise and shine upon my face. My mind is a worn battlefield of pain and desolation but every once in awhile that little light warms me, renews me and gives me hope. So I continue on to battle and steady myself against the blows of my demons.

I had to write this down so that I can see that I fought this battle and won. And by putting words to paper I can see that I am stronger than the illness. I am here. I fought back and won this round. The war in my mind is far from over, but today I stand victorious. And that is worth celebrating and remembering. There is power in words–good and evil. But today, my words are written for the good..written to stay.

Fade away or Stay?…

Today I choose to stay and if you are struggling I hope you choose to stay and fight alongside me.

Photo by Gelatin on

Write the Hard Stuff Even When You Do Not Want To

Photo by Daria Obymaha on

I had another blog post scheduled for today…one more in line with a Halloween theme. Then I had an experience that reminded me that being a writer is not always about the fun stuff, the cool stories, the action scenes or the romance. Sometimes, the writing needs to be about the hard topics, the things you do not want to say out loud.

As the great Ernest Hemingway once said ” Write hard and clear about what hurts.”

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So that is what I plan to do with this post. See, being a writer is more than taking your fantastic imagination and putting it to the paper. As a writer you need to dig deep and write from your soul. I think it is absolutely vital that if you write fiction or non fiction your writing should come from that deep space inside you where your truth lives. Writing should be your release to the world of all that chains you down.

Write about your pain and release it through your characters. Write about what needs to be said in the context of a fictional story. Write about the state of the world through the setting of your story. Write what you know and make it come alive in the mind of a reader.

The great writers always took the pain and hurt of their lives and transformed it into beauty and art. You can do that as well, with your own writing. Take your pain and transform it into the spectacular. Take your experiences and let them be a lesson to others through your stories and poems.

See, sometimes I spend too much time in my own head as most writers do (an occupational hazard, if you will). I don’t always see clearly at first what I know subconsciously to be true. It takes a moment or a glib comment, or a rude brush off to slam me back into the real world. Then I remember all the lessons that I have learned before and I let them shape my writing in the here and now.

“Write hard and clear about what hurts.”

Photo by Karolina Grabowska on

So the hurt I carry is that the loneliness of mental illness is a terrible burden. I need to remember I may be lonely but I am not alone. which is not an easy thing to do when you spend 95% of your time inside your own head.

Dis-ingenious people will always hurt my soul in some way. I know this. Most people know this. Yet it is a lesson I need to keep learning from. I don’t trust easily and I am working on that but sometimes the human race makes that very difficult.

But it is my duty to hold fast to who I am in my core. I am a survivor. The things that have happened to me in the past where horrifying and devastating yet I am still standing. I am still here. There is a reason I still live and breathe. My ultimate journey in this life is to take me to that divine purpose .

Photo by Anthony on

Yes mental illness hurts , yes it is painful and lord knows there are many days where I just want to curl up in a ball and hide. And some days I actually do just that. Daily activities that most people take for granted like going to the store are an absolute nightmare for me. It may take me three hours to work up the courage to open the door and then I stand there paralyzed with fear. I can not just get up and go out like most people. I am hyper aware and always in flight or fight mode when in public. The current pandemic has certainly exacerbated my illness. And that is why I sometimes find myself way too excited to make a new friend. It never works out though. Eventually, everyone backs away. I am awkward and weird. I am anxious and panicky. I am moody and depressed. I have too many disorders to list but the major ones are CPTSD, Generalized Anxiety Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Agoraphobia.

I am NOT however contagious. But the vast majority of the public I meet who finds out about my issues will certainly act as if I am . As if by being in near proximity they too could catch a mental illness. Sorry, that’s not how it works folks.

However, patience and acceptance would be greatly appreciated. I went through a horrible event and I live with the emotional scars everyday. But don’t count me out just yet. I am like that energizer bunny I just keep going and going…they can’t break me. No matter how hard they try.

Photo by Tomas Anunziata on

As a writer, I dig deep and spill my pain out into my stories. As writers that is our duty to our readers–we must write the hard things. We must write clear and true. We must put pen to paper and create beauty from the wreckage. That is what I intend to do …will you join me?

5 Ways To Overcome A Writing Rut

Hello and welcome! Before we jump into today’s blog post let me just take the time to introduce you to the revamped space here.  If you have been a long time follower than you know that I am Laura-Anne , mistress of all things bookish and writing! I was a elementary school teacher for fifteen years and now I am a writer.  Here at All The Wright Books I will be sharing my book reviews, thoughts on reading and writing, as well as, taking you through my own process and journey as I write my books.  I hope you like the new direction the blog is taking and will stick around for all the fun that is yet to come!

cold coffee in glass near typewriter

Photo by Min An on

With that said lets talk about writing ruts.  Writing blocks and writing ruts differ in their scope and intensity.  A block when writing is when your mind is experiencing a creative shutdown. This can be a harrowing event for a writer and leave them feeling quite lost. A writing rut is a situation where you find yourself losing inspiration or the creative urge and need to snap back into the game and get refocused.

When you are in the midst of a writing rut you may find yourself daydreaming more, or aimlessly scrolling social media instead of writing.  When this happens it is time to step back and realize you are falling into a writing rut.  Once you acknowledge the problem you can set yourself up with some fail safe ways to get back into the writing flow.

Here are my top 5 ways to overcome a writing rut:

  1.  CHANGE YOUR LOCATION  If you spend all day writing at your desk in a tiny little room with only one window like I do, you may find yourself less than inspired to write.  When this happens I like to grab my laptop and hit the road! I don’t mean go on a road trip but I do switch up my location. You can do this too!   You can go down to the park and lay on a blanket and write. You may find yourself a cozy little cafe to write in while sipping on a latte.  Or you could even just go sit in your backyard and enjoy the sunshine. Sometimes, just moving from one place to another is all it takes to get back into the game and get your words flowing.
  2. LISTEN TO AMBIENT NOISE  Okay this one may sound a little weird, but I swear it works! Say you are losing inspiration or you don’t know what to do with a character or scene and you are beginning to get frustrated.  Don’t let the frustration take over! Here is what I do to find a creative spark:  I go to  .  MyNoise is the ultimate place for all sorts of ambient noise from oceans crashing to conversations in shops.  I choose a particular noise or place and I just close my eyes and imagine I am really there in the middle of it.  What do I see?  Who is there with me? What are the smells? What do I taste? What am I touching?  I just immerse myself in the experience for a good fifteen minutes.  What this does is allows you to tap into your senses and really did deep into your creativity.  I always feel a fresh wave of inspiration when I do this exercise.  Try it out! You might surprise yourself!
  3. MOVE YOUR BODY Sometimes just sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can seem like a drag. You may feel your creativity draining and inspiration disappearing.  When you start to feel this way sometimes you need to break up the monotony of your day and just get to moving!  I use quick ten minute videos on YouTube to help me move and stretch such as this one  I am a huge Leslie Sansone fan but you can pick any quick video to do from stretching, to yoga to HIIT .  Just get your body moving! As noted in this New York times article :   As the article states, moving really does help your brain function!!! So get to moving my friends!!
  4. COMPLETE A WRITING PROMPT Another way to beat a writing rut is to close the project you are working on and just give yourself time to write something completely unrelated and fun.  I love to get  writing prompt books such as these :    But you can also just randomly Google for a writing prompt.  Then spend the next half hour or so just diving into something completely different than what you were working on .  Sometimes, the switch up allows our creative mind to expand and explore and you just may walk away from this exercise with a whole new idea for your project!
  5. CHANGE VIEWPOINTS  This has been a game changer for me!  If you are struggling with a work in progress or a character isn’t working, or the action has stalled then change your viewpoints.  If you always write in the third person, switch it up and write in the first person voice.  If your main character is a man change his gender to female.  Write the story from a secondary characters perspective.  Any way you can just change the viewpoint and see how quickly inspiration will flood your brain!

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Photo by Ylanite Koppens on

These are my top 5 ways to get out of a writing rut.  I hope you found them helpful and informative! What are some ways you get out of writing ruts? Leave them below in the comments Id love to hear all about them!!

And remember : “Keep Reading! Keep Writing! And Keep Being You!”


My Top Ten Writing Tips For When You Are Just Starting Out

Writing is hard. If you have ever sat in front of a blank page or a blank screen and wondered “What the hell do I even write about?”.

person holding white paper and typewriter

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Then you, my friend, know the struggle of being a writer. However, there are some things you can do to make the whole process a lot less overwhelming while firing up your inner muse.

Here are my Top Ten Writing Tips:

  1. READ. Read often. Read voraciously. Read fiction. Read non fiction. Read genres you like and read genres you have never tried. Read newspapers, magazines and periodicals. Read an encyclopedia. Read blogs. Read the classics. Read, read , read. You can not be a writer if you are not a reader.  Reading allows you to experience the flow of an author’s writing cadence, to see and learn how sentences are built, and to build knowledge for your own personal writing style. It is only through reading that you can become a better writer.
  2. BECOME A WORD FANATIC.  Words are the writer’s tool. Learn new words. Keep a collection of words you like in a notebook. Expand your vocabulary. Listen to how words sound when spoken and how they make you feel.  When I was younger I had an enormous Webster’s Dictionary (I still have it!) and I would randomly open it up and highlight a word I found interesting and then I would try to use that word in conversation the next day. This is an excellent way to build your vocabulary and fuel your creativity!  Try using the word “leucomelanous” in  a sentence today!
  3. WRITE FOR YOURSELF. You need to write for yourself first. Write about the things you enjoy and do not worry about what other people think.  If you like writing vampire romance stories than go for it! If you prefer more cerebral undertakings well then go on with your bad self! If you are not writing what you want then your writing will never be authentic. You have to know what you want to write. What are your interests? What types of books get you crazy excited? What types of books put you to sleep? Know what you like and write the story for yourself.
  4. JUST WRITE.  Don’t know where to begin or what to write?  Take a deep breath and just write whatever comes to mind. It does not have to make sense. Just get it on the paper first. Write words, write lists, write catchy titles. Just write. Get into the habit of setting aside time each day and getting something down on paper.
  5. DO NOT EDIT WHILE WRITING.  This is so hard for so many of us writers! We are in the middle of a writing session and suddenly we find ourselves self editing as we are writing. STOP!!!! Do not do this. WRITE WITHOUT EDITING. It is more important and much easier to get the first draft done completely than to try to fix and edit as you write.  Just get the book, story, blog post etc down on paper. You will edit when you are done with the writing.
  6. KNOW THAT YOUR FIRST DRAFT WILL BE SHIT. Just know this and accept it. No one but you will ever see the first draft. Every great writer, every best-selling author writes a shitty first draft. Do not expect perfection with the first draft. The first draft is the starting point. Do not beat yourself up over it. think of it like you are baking a cake. First you make the batter and then you bake it and then you add all the icing and decorations to it. The first draft is your batter.  When you do edits and rewrites that’s your icing and decorations.
  7. EDIT AND REWRITE.  ONLY AFTER YOUR FIRST DRAFT IS COMPLETE!!  This is where you will add all your bling to your story. But be patient. Your story will not be perfect after one edit or one rewrite–you may have to repeat the process over and over again. Do not panic! You will know when your cake is done in the oven.
  8. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.  If you write then you are a writer. You are not a writer only if you are published or only if you wrote a book. You are not a writer only if you are a bestselling author. YOU ARE A WRITER RIGHT NOW. You need to believe in yourself and your talent and your abilities. Be confident. Be true to yourself. Believe you are a writer with every fiber of your being!
  9. CREATE A WRITING ROUTINE.  You need to write and write consistently every day. So set up a routine that works for you and encourages you to get those creative juices flowing. My own routine includes getting a cup of coffee, lighting a delicious smelling candle and listening to classical music as I write. Its the little things that set the tone for me, so that my brain goes “Oh yay! Writing time!”. The routine helps me to be a much more productive and proactive writer.
  10. JOURNAL. I can not stress how important it is to keep a journal, a writer’s notebook, or a diary. You need a place to reflect and dream. Journaling is so empowering and soul cleansing. Just let your feelings flow onto the page and you will see how it can spark new ideas and inspiration.  I carry my journal with me everywhere and just write in it as I feel called to during the day. It really lets me explore my inner musings and work through any thoughts or struggles I may encounter in my life.

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    Photo by Pixabay on

These are my top ten tips for beginning writers. Which one resonated with you? Do you think you will incorporate any of these things into your writing habits?  What are your tips for writers? Comment below and let me know!

Till next time!

Keep “Wright”ing On!

Instagram Giveaway!

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In honor of having over 500 followers (omgosh so exciting!!!) on Instagram I am holding a little bookish/writing giveaway!!

All you have to do is go to my instagram page at :

Follow the directions on the Giveaway post and you are all set! Here is the link below:

Giveaway time!

man wearing blue suit jacket beside woman with gray suit jacket

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Good luck! Love you guys!

Till the next time — Keep “Wright”ing On!

I Didn’t Catch On Fire! (Why you should be fearless in your life and your writing)



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Photo by Roman Pohorecki on

So I did a thing last Saturday. A thing that those who know me well would be say “There is no way she will go through with it!” Because, let me be very honest here with you dear reader. I am a HUGE scaredy cat.

Not just in an “Oh! Don’t sneak up behind me!” way but in a full tilt, anxiety ridden, agoraphobic way.  I don’t leave my house all that often. I freak out (full-blown panic attacks) in crowds of people. I am terrified of being alone. I have flashbacks constantly to a night I want to forget. I have acute OCD and am always freaking out over being dirty, bugs on me, and getting sick.  My litany of health problems goes on and on but you get the gist, right?

But I did a thing. A huge, big, scary thing for me. I ran (okay mostly walked!) a 5k obstacle course race called Rugged Maniac. There were a ton of people there. There was a ton of dirt, bugs, mud and sweat. There were high climbing obstacles and obstacles you had to jump over. There were some serious athletes there and Lord knows, I am no athlete but I was there on that course.

Why did I do it? I signed up for Rugged Maniac  six months ago with a couple of ladies from an online moms excercise group. A group that holds a fair amount of live get-togethers that I never manage to get myself to due to the overwhelming fear of leaving my house.

But I signed up and paid $50 to which my husband, after finding out, so kindly told me “You will do it now that you’ve paid an astronomical amount of money for something I had to do for free in boot camp!”

But that was in February and I figured there was a full refund guarantee and I could back out any time. Which is usually what happens due to my anxiety and agoraphobia.

However, this time I started training. I did C25K in my house. I started lifting little five pound weights. I was watching what I ate. I wanted to do this crazy thing. The more I thought about it the more excited I became but still in the back of my head was that thought “I can back out”.  Because also in my head was all the looping thoughts that I struggle with each day. My anxiety amped up.

But August rolled around and I didn’t back out. I was not allowed to back out. My husband literally forced myself out the door and into the car. I had to be forced out of the car once we reached our destination. I forced myself to breathe and tried to keep my panic to a minimum. I wore a baseball hat which worked almost like blinders–I could only see what was in front of me. One foot in front of the other I made my way into the event.

There were twenty-four obstacles and I did about twelve of them! I swung across a zip line, I climbed a cargo net from a trampoline, I waded through ice-cold, chest high,muddy water in the woods and I jumped over fire!


I was very proud of myself to say the least. Yes, I had to walk the course. Yes, I was freaking out the entire time in my head. Yes, I was insecure about myself surrounded by all these fit athletes. Yes, I was even downright miserable at times. But I did it! I pushed past the fear and found a part of myself that has been missing for so long I thought I would never find it again.  I had moments of perfect joy and clarity on that course that I almost cried from the overwhelming emotion in my heart.


Here are some of the lessons I learned that day  and I think they apply, not only, to life but to writing as well:

  1. Put on your hat and push forward : I think one of the best things I did at the race was wear that baseball cap because it forced me to see what is in front of me and not concentrate on everything and everyone around me.  In life you need to focus on the present moment and take each day as it comes. You can’t worry about the future and you can’t live in the past. Be here in the moment. Be alive.  In writing focus on the sentence you are writing bot the entire project. You don’t need to overwhelm yourself with the scope and sequence of your work in progress. Just focus on one word, one sentence, one paragraph, one chapter. It will all come together in the end.
  2. Do what you can in the moment: I took each obstacle as we came up on them during the course. I assessed if I felt I could do it or if it was too much for me and my aching leg right then.  In life, you need to assess where you are and what you are capable of doing. If you can not do something now that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to do it later.  In writing, don’t beat yourself up if all you can write is one paragraph or if you only have 15 minutes to sit down and write. Do what you can do and come back to it later.  Your creativity and talent will still be there.
  3. Do the unexpected: I guarantee not one person in my family thought I would go through with the race. I am not exactly known for going outside my comfort zone. In life, you have to remember you live your life by your rules. Just because you never did something doesn’t mean you never should. Change up routine, cut your hair, get a tattoo! Do something you want even if it’s not the expected norm for you. In writing, always surprise your reader. Take the story in a direction no one saw coming. Kill a beloved character. Bring a character back from the dead. Gender bend your characters in an alternate universe. Do that which is completely unexpected and just yell “Plot Twist!” as you type away.
  4. Know your why: My why for running the race was to show that I could do it. I could commit, follow through and show up without literally dying. (Which is how I feel when I have to leave the house or be around strangers or just anytime my anxiety is at a ten!) But I wanted to see if I could take this baby step. I wanted to show my little girl what is possible if you believe in yourself. In life, knowing your why is crucial. Why do you get up and hustle everyday? Why do want the things out of life that you want? You have to know your why before you can do anything.  In writing, you need to know why you are writing. What or who is the project or article for? What are your goals? Why do you want to write this piece? Know your why and your writing will flow a lot easier believe me!
  5.  And Finally –Jump Over that Fire: I was so exhausted and spent by the time we reached the fire obstacle I almost said “Eff it ” and walked around it. But then I thought “How many opportunities in life am I going to have to jump over actual fire?” Ummm not many! So I took the leap, one . two, three piles of fire! I cleared every one.  I DID NOT CATCH ON FIRE! In life, you are going to have to jump over fires. There are going to be struggles. there is going to pain. But you have to go through it if you want to be emulate the mythical Phoenix rising from the ashes. Trust me, the fire is inside you and it will make you stronger. In writing, you jump over fire every time you get your butt in the chair and your hands on the keyboard. Because sometimes the hardest part of writing is actually sitting down to do it. So make the leap and you’ll see how easy it will become.


Be fearless. Life isn’t easy and every day can be struggle but you can make it better by taking the leap and believing in yourself.  I know we can do it together!

Till next time!

Keep “Wright”ing On!

The Commonplace Notebook and Why You Should Have One

fashion woman notebook pen

Photo by Negative Space on


You may be thinking to yourself – What on earth is a Commonplace Notebook? The short answer is a commonplace notebook is a book where you write down ideas, facts, quotes, inspiration, and your own response to the information you encounter throughout reading, working, studying, and just going about your daily routine.

Why is this a good tool for writers and readers alike to utilize ? A commonplace book is a fantastic way to record anything that resonates with you from a deeply inspiring book quote to the funny anecdote your best friend told you over coffee.

So why keep one? Well it’s definitely a good place to brain dump all your thoughts and reactions that you want to remember for use later in life – whether later means next week or next year. Also, some of the brightest minds in history kept commonplace books.  Luminaries such as Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, Marcus Aurelius, Virginia Woolf, Francis Bacon and H.P. Lovecraft all used commonplace books.

adolescent adult ballpen beautiful

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Isn’t a commonplace book just a diary?

No. A commonplace book is quite different from a diary or a travel journal. According to the definition on Wikipedia :

Commonplace books (or commonplaces) are a way to compile knowledge, usually by writing information into books. Such books are essentially scrapbooks filled with items of every kind: recipes, quotes, letters, poems, tables of weights and measures, proverbs, prayers, legal formulas. Commonplaces are used by readers, writers, students, and scholars as an aid for remembering useful concepts or facts they have learned. Each commonplace book is unique to its creator’s particular interests. “

“Commonplace books are not diaries nor travelogues, with which they can be contrasted: English Enlightenment philosopher John Locke wrote the 1706 book A New Method of Making Common-Place-Books, “in which techniques for entering proverbs, quotations, ideas, speeches were formulated. Locke gave specific advice on how to arrange material by subject and category, using such key topics as love, politics, or religion. Commonplace books, it must be stressed, are not journals, which are chronological and introspective.”

person holding white ceramic mug with lemon near book and sliced bread on white comforter

Photo by antas singh on

As you can tell there is definitely a differentiation between the two types of notebooks or journals.  But just how can you benefit from using a Commonplace notebook?

Here are 5 reasons for you to start keeping a Commonplace Notebook:

  1.  It helps you to focus:  If you are working on one task and another idea or thought pops into your head – you can jot it down in your commonplace book so that you do not get distracted and stay focused on the task at hand.
  2. It increases your creativity:  The more you use your commonplace book the more you will be inspired to write things down. Then over time you can see connection and flow through your ideas.
  3. It keeps everything in one place:  It is amazing to have a book that you can flip through and see all the things, places, quotes, people, ideas etc that you found important and know why you found these things important.
  4. It makes you a good role model: If you keep a commonplace book and especially if you have children or young people around  hen you are showing with your actions that learning is a life long endeavour. It allows others to see that you put immense value on knowledge and personal development. That is a powerful lesson in action.
  5. It keeps you from forgetting: As time goes by and we get older some ideas or things may slip into the ether of the past, but with a commonplace book you have a way to travel back in time and remember.

So go ahead and get started on keeping a Commonplace Notebook!

Do you already have one or plant to start one? Let me know in the comments below!


Till next time – Keep “Wright”ing on!